Daughter's Choice Event: Under the Sea Ball - Food & Beverage Donations
Sat, Jan 20
The Daughter's Choice Dance is taking place on Saturday, January 20th (snow date 1/27).  
The theme is "Under the Sea".  400 people attended the dance last year.  Yes - 400 people!!
Now here's the ask...
400+ people need enough water to stay hydrated and enough light refreshments to keep up their energy for dancing.  The only way that happens is with OUR support. Last year's event was beautiful and I know that we can come through again for this one. 
Pretty please sign up for food and bev donations here.  Every little bit helps.  Let's make this a magical night for the girls in town. 


Baked Goods Signed Up: 25 / 45

Sign up

Pre-packaged Snacks (i.e. goldfish, pirate booty, etc.) Signed Up: 15 / 0

Gluten-free Snacks Signed Up: 3 / 10

Sign up

Fruit Signed Up: 4 / 3

1 Case of Water (24 bottles) Signed Up: 13 / 27

Sign up

Paper plates (100 count) Signed Up: 4 / 5

Sign up

Plastic bowls (30-ish count) Signed Up: 3 / 10

Sign up

Napkins (200 count) Signed Up: 4 / 5

Sign up

1 Box of Plastic Forks (100 count) Signed Up: 3 / 3

1 Box of Plastic Spoons (100 count) Signed Up: 3 / 3

Saran Wrap (1 roll) Signed Up: 1 / 1