[After-School Enrichment] Spring classes start this week!
Mon, Apr 8 9:58pm
Hello Bobcats,
This is just a reminder that Spring afterschool enrichment classes start this week!
Some of the After School Enrichment programs are still available!
Take advantage of the opportunity to sign up your kids.
Here is a list of the programs that still have open enrollment:
- FUNKMODE Hip Hop+ (Mondays)
- Bancroft Hoops (Mondays and Wednesdays)
- Maker Madness (Mondays and Thursdays)
- Glee Club (Tuesdays)
- Mandarin (Wednesdays)
- Clapclap2Spanish (Wednesdays)
- Capoeira (Wednesdays)
- Cara de Teatro (Thursdays)
- TK-K Sports Medley (Thursdays)
- Musical Theater Dance (Fridays)
- Black Dragon Chess Beginner (Fridays)
Spaces are limited; take advantage of the chance to sign up!
To enroll your child, please visit https://www.homeroom.com/.../bancroft.../enrichment.
Bancroft PFC