Drop-Off/Pick-Up Safety Rules
Parents, students, staff, and volunteers all work together to ensure the safety of everyone at Bancroft Elementary. Please read this information carefully to learn about our safety rules.
To help facilitate a smooth and safe drop-off/pick-up in a timely manner, please:
- Drive carefully and slowly. Leave a little earlier so that can slow down as you approach our school.
- Use the arrival and departure paths indicated on the map below. Enter and exit Parish Dr from Arkell.
- Do not stop in the middle of the street to drop-off or pick-up children. Bicycles and cars attempt to pass and this can cause accidents.
- Do not make U-turns on any street. Follow the paths on the map below to exit the neighborhood.
- Do not drop off in the handicap parking spaces unless authorized.
- Pedestrians have the right of way! Stop at all stop signs and crosswalks.
- Once in the drop-off loop, please pull all the way forward before stopping to keep the flow of traffic going smoothly.
- Children should be ready to exit the car when you pull up - backpack ready and goodbyes said, then exit
curbside for a great day. (DO NOT LEAVE VEHICLES UNATTENDED) - Have your child exit the car only from passenger side of the vehicle when using the drop-off loop. Those
who have already dropped off their children will be utilizing the adjacent drive-thru lane. - Remember the Bus Circle is for Busses Only. Do not drop off or park in this area.
- Pedestrians – please follow crossing guard directions and wait for them to stop traffic before crossing at the corner of Claiborne Dr. and Parish Rd.
Parking: Please help us be good neighbors by parking only in legal parking spaces.
- Do not park or drop-off you students in red zones, crosswalks or driveways.
- Do not park in the staff parking lot.
- Street parking is available on Parish, Claiborne and Terrebonne.
- Please note Parish is permit parking between 9am and 3pm.
Restricted Turns: To increase safety of our families walking to school and to improve vehicle flow for our families dropping off their children, left turns from Claiborne onto Parish and Left and Right turns from Parish to Claiborne and Terrebonne will be restricted during the drop off and pick up times. Those parking on Claiborne will be directed to turn right onto Parish and continue through the drive thru line before turning around. All vehicles are encouraged to go back to Arkell to depart from the neighborhood (see map). Those who need to turn left onto Treat Blvd. or to cross Treat Blvd. will then turn left from Arkell onto Shannon Lane before turning right onto Carriage Drive. Again, please observe the signage and yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk when turning left from Carriage Drive onto Treat Blvd.
Crosswalks & Crossing Guards: Pedestrians should use the crosswalks when crossing the streets around the school. If crossing guards are posted at the intersection you are crossing (Treat/Carriage and Claiborne/Parish), please respect the directions of the crossing guard and wait for escort across the street.
Bicycles and Scooters: Bicyclists and scooter riders must wear helmets. Bicycles and scooters must be walked on campus, on the sidewalks around the campus, and across crosswalks.
Late arrival: Bancroft closes its campus shortly after the bell rings for class instruction to begin. If your student arrives late and the doors are closed, they should ring the doorbell at the front office and sign in. Younger students are then escorted by office staff to their respective classes.
Pets: No pets are allowed on campus at any time.
On-Campus Safety/Visitation: For the protection of our children, Bancroft Elementary is a closed campus. If you are going to be on campus or need to take your child out of school during the school day, you need to obtain entrance to the office by ringing the doorbell at the front office.
- All persons on campus are required to wear either a school district photo ID or a visitor badge.
- Sign yourself in on the visitor clipboard in the office and get a visitor badge.
- All classroom volunteers must be fingerprinted and cleared through MDUSD.
- To take your child out of school during the day, notify office staff and use the student sign-outs clipboard.