Envision Brogden - invitation to share your vision
Thu, Feb 2 6:25pm-8:00pm
Brogden Middle School
7 days before, 2 days before

All are invited to share ideas for how you would like to envision Brogden in the coming months and years.  We will organize and prioritize our ideas so that the school, the PTA, and the greater community can work together to help us realize our shared vision.  Simultaneous interpreting in Spanish will be provided.


Draft invitation: "Join families, staff, and community members for an open discussion on creating the best Brogden for all students and families. Together participants will identify assets, possibilities, priorities, and resources to make a successful, safe, inclusive, and engaging environment for everyone at Brogden Middle School. Childcare and Spanish translation provided.


Can't make it? We still want to hear from you! Please send your ideas and suggestions to..."