
The board of directors shall consist of the elected officers of this local PTA, the chairs of the standing committees, the school principal, one teacher elected by the board, and up to three at-large members elected by the board.

Positions (5/10 filled)

President Signed Up: 1 / 2

a. Shall preside at all meetings of the general membership and the board of directors at which he/she may be present, and shall designate another officer to preside when he/she will not be present (in the absence of such designation, the board may elect any board member to preside at any meeting); b. Shall coordinate the work of the officers, the board and the committees of this local PTA; c. Shall perform such other duties as may be provided for by these bylaws or assigned to him/her by this local PTA or by the board of directors; d. Shall sign all contracts of this local PTA that have been approved by the board; and e. Shall be an ex officio voting member of all committees except the nominating committee.
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Vice President Signed Up: 1 / 2

The vice president(s) shall perform duties requested by the president and the board of directors. In the event of a vacancy in the office of president, the vice president, or the vice presidents acting together if there is more than one, shall assume the duties of the president until a new president is elected pursuant to Section 6.4 of these bylaws.
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Secretary Signed Up: 1 / 1

The secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings of the general membership and the board of directors and shall perform such other delegated duties as may be assigned by the board of directors, and shall maintain a file of important documents related to that local PTA, including but not limited to: a. articles of incorporation of this local PTA; b. the current uniform local bylaws approved by NCPTA and adopted by this local PTA, c. the current standing rules of this local PTA, if standing rules have been adopted by the board; d. minutes of past meetings of the general membership and board of directors; e. a copy of the official membership roster provided for in Section 5.3 of these bylaws; f. a current roster of board members; g. a current roster of all committee members and chairs; h. legal documents, including but not limited to insurance policies and contracts; i. current and past tax returns; and j. current and past audit reports; At the end of his/her term, the secretary shall transfer this file of important documents to his/her successor as secretary.

Treasurer Signed Up: 1 / 1

a. Collect, deposit and maintain all funds of this local PTA in approved depositories (including, but not limited to, all monies collected as local dues, raised in PTA activities, received as contributions, or otherwise acquired); b. Disburse funds in accordance with the annual budget adopted by this local PTA, and maintain records identifying the purpose and payee of all disbursements; c. Maintain a current record of income, expenditures, assets and liabilities of this local PTA, and make all financial records available for inspection and review by the audit committee; d. Present a financial report of income and expenses at each meeting of the general membership and the board of directors, which report shall compare current income and expenditures to the approved budget; e. Remit dues to NCPTA in accordance with Article 5 of these bylaws and the current NCPTA good standing requirements; f. Prepare a year-end financial report by June 30 showing the total income and expenditures for the fiscal year, comparing those figures with the budget approved at the beginning of the fiscal year, and the assets and liabilities of the local PTA, and submit that report to the incoming president, treasurer and audit committee; g. File all required tax forms and reports in a timely manner, including but not limited to tax returns for the previous fiscal year, and submit copies of all such filings to the secretary of this local PTA; h. At the end of his/her term, transfer all financial records to the audit committee by July 1; and i. Provide assistance to the audit committee upon request.

At-large Member Signed Up: 1 / 3

Each at large board member is elected by the board and is a voting member.
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Principal Signed Up: 1 / 1

The school principal is always a voting member of the PTA board.

Teacher representative Signed Up: 1 / 1

The board elects one teacher representative who is responsible for helping facilitate communication between the PTA and the teachers.

Audit Committee Chair Signed Up: 1 / 1

Section 8.2 of By-Laws state a. The audit committee shall be composed of no fewer than three members. Individuals with check signing authority and their family members may not serve on the audit committee, nor may the outgoing or incoming treasurer. b. The audit committee shall be responsible for the audits and financial reviews described in Article 11 of these bylaws.

Nominating Committee Chair Signed Up: 0 / 1

Section 8.3 of the By-Laws state a. The nominating committee shall be comprised of an odd number and no fewer than three members; at least two of the committee members shall be board members and at least one committee member shall be a member of the local PTA who does not serve on the board. b. Neither the president nor the principal shall be a member of the nominating committee. c. Throughout the year, the nominating committee is tasked with identifying talented, motivated, and responsible individuals to serve as officers of this local PTA. d. Prior to the last general membership meeting each fiscal year, the nominating committee shall prepare a slate of nominees for officers of this local PTA for the coming year, and the president shall include that slate in the notice for the last general membership meeting, and the chair of the nominating committee shall place such names in nomination at that meeting, and the election shall be conducted as provided in Section 6.2 of these bylaws.
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Advocacy Committee Chair Signed Up: 0 / 1

Section 8.4 of the By-Laws state The advocacy committee shall develop and organize meetings, activities, and programs to further the goals and purposes of PTA. This committee is tasked with improving communications and relationships between school staff and families; educating families and caregivers on important issues related to the health and educational success of their children; and helping to make each child’s potential a reality.
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