Help Make Our Gala A Success! Donate Auction Items!
Thu, Apr 4 1:46pm

Our annual fundraising party, also known as the Gala, is just around the corner, and we need your help to make it a huge success! A key part of the event is our exciting live and silent auctions, which raise critical funds for our kids at BSI.

We're seeking donations of enticing auction items that will draw enthusiasm and competitive bidding. Popular items from past years have included:

  • Getaway vacation packages
  • Sports tickets and memorabilia
  • Spa packages
  • Gift cards to popular shops/restaurants
  • Kids' birthday party packages

But we welcome any unique items or experiences you can provide! Maybe you have access to special behind-the-scenes tours, premium ticket packages, or other goods and services you can donate.

Your donations are a great way to promote your business while supporting a worthy cause.

You can contribute by filling out THIS FORM or by emailing us at

Thank you in advance for your generosity! With your support, we can make this year's fundraising event our most successful yet.