Trunk or Treat Vehicle Registration 10/14 @ 5pm!
Mon, Oct 10 5:47pm

Hello everyone, 


We are bringing back our Trunk or Treat event this year and it will be taking place on Friday October 28th from 6p-8p in our Brookvale parking lot. We've already had many inquiries about signing up to display trunk decorations and how to donate candy so I figured I'd get some information out:


Vehicle registration will take place this Friday the 14th around 5p here on Konstella. There will be a sign up with 40 spaces available and they will be open on a first to sign up basis. 


If you register, parking assignments and set ups will begin as early as 4p and will need to be completed by 545p. We will have multiple categories that our attendees will be able to vote on for each of your displays and I will announce the categories on Friday.


If you'd like to donate candy, please email me or elaine and we will coordinate receiving your generous and very helpful donation. 


****Lastly, if anyone out there knows of any businesses that may want to sponsor our event with gift card donations or candy donations, please reach out to them and ask. We can provide any documentation they may require which more than likely will be a formal letter with our 501(c)(3) information. Please consider and let us know! 


More details for attendees to come.


Have a great week everyone and we appreciate you being here!


Looking forward,