EDI Meeting: International Night Presents BUGBEE BELONGS!
Tue, Jan 9 6:00pm-7:00pm
Bugbee Elementary School Library or in google meet
1 day before

Happy New Year Bugbee Parents and Caregivers!


Please join us on Tuesday 1/9/2024 to discuss the upcoming Bugbee Belongs event! We realize many of you were not part of the Bugbee community when this event was last held, so we want to offer time for you to learn more about our past events and what you can do to participate.  In past years, this has been one of the most loved events here at Bugbee and we want to bring that back!


If you plan to share at the event, you won't want to miss the meeting Tuesday!


During the meeting on Tuesday we will review:

-Past events

-Gather leaders for various working groups

-Finalize other open items and how to manage

-An evening in February where you can work on your displays - we will provide some materials


If you haven't seen it already, we have a sign up form where you can provide us with some information on how you'd like to participate: 



If you can't make it in person, join us online:
