Happy New Year! Winter break is over and it’s a fabulous time to start thinking about Bugbee’s International Night 2025! The annual evening of culture, food, activities and togetherness is set for March 20th – and we’re looking for some interested folks to help plan the overall event. Join us from 6:30 - 7:30 this Thursday, January 16, at Bugbee EDI's January meeting to get the ball rolling. The meeting will be held in person in the school library and remotely on Zoom at https://us04web.zoom.us/j/8963815189?pwd=d0dVTDdGMHY0TVRBZ2pBemhaTVdqdz09
Meeting ID: 896 381 5189
Passcode: T8X8QP
We look forward to seeing you there!
Can’t make it Thursday, but interested in helping out? Or not interested in planning, but want to host a booth? Either way, email Laurie Rich Salerno at laurierich@gmail.com.