Interested in Becoming a Room Parent?
Mon, Aug 26 9:02am

Hello, Bugbee Families!

Are you interested in becoming a Room Parent this school year?  

(Remember, you do NOT need to be a Room Parent to volunteer in the classroom!) 


Some of the duties of Room Parents include (but are not limited to):

  • Partnering with your Co-Room Parents to serve as the liaison between your classroom teacher, your classroom families, and occasionally the PTO for communicating important school information
  • Attending a beginning of the year planning meeting (and others as required) with grade-level Room Parents and teachers
  • Collecting and managing class funds to be used on celebrations throughout the year
  • Coordinating volunteers for classroom celebrations (e.g. Halloween, Valentine’s Day, etc.)
  • Organizing gift giving and/or other recognition occasions for the classroom teacher (e.g. Teacher Appreciation Week, teacher birthday celebration, end of the year class gift, etc.)

Please keep in mind that each classroom needs 2 – 3 Room Parents.  If there are more volunteers than space allows, we will work with you to find other volunteer opportunities in your classroom or through the PTO.  


If you would like to express your interest in being considered for a Room Parent, please complete this form (click here) by Wednesday, Sept. 4th.  There will also be a sign-up sheet in each classroom during the Open House tomorrow if you would prefer to sign up via paper.

Thank you!