International Night Presents: Bugbee Belongs
Thu, Mar 14 6:00pm-7:30pm
Bugbee Elementary School
1 day before, 3 days before, 5 days before

Hello Bugbee Families!

It's official!  International Night Presents: Bugbee Belongs is happening on March 14!

Students and their caregivers are hard at work creating an evening of fun and learning.

Join us starting at 6pm for an evening immersed in our diverse Bugbee Culture.  Begin your tour with a presentation in the auditorium where students will share their talents with you!  Collect your 'passport' (and other goodies) at the entrance to mark off the countries or cultures you've learned about, as you make your way through the school.  Don't forget to spend some time in our Cafe International, where you can sample cuisine from around the world and your neighbors kitchens.

We hope you will come along with us to learn about all of the diverse culture, heritage and origins within the Bugbee community, taste some family recipes and immerse yourself in activities and talents shared by Bugbee students and their families.

Everyone Belongs at Bugbee so we hope to see you there!