Board Slate Nominating Committee
Fri, Jan 19 8:08pm

Hi Sticky friends,

I hope you all had a wonderful week! Reminder from Wednesday's Membership meeting: If you're interested in joining the nominating committee, please sign up by the end of the day on Monday, Jan. 22. 

The nominating committee will be discussing who will be on our Board slate to be voted on for next school year's Board. 

Here's our timeline:

Jan. 22: Nominating committee is formed
Last week of Jan.: First nominating committee Zoom meeting (date TBD based on schedules)

*If there aren't at least 3 members for the Board slate at this meeting, we have to meet again before Feb 28. *
Feb. 28: Board slate is finalized
March 20: The Board slate is voted on at the membership meeting

Any member can nominate themselves or another member for a Board position. 
Please email or direct message Sunny ( if you'd like to join the nominating committee, or if you'd like to nominate yourself/someone else for the Board.
Thank you to those who've already put their names in to volunteer and hope everyone has a nice weekend!