Family Movie Night Returns
Join us for a Bunker Hill movie night! Featured film “The Smeds and the Smoos”. Dinner plates must be pre-ordered by Wednesday, February 4th. RSVP here:
Tuesday Tunes
Just a quick reminder to register for February's Tuesday Tunes by 2:00 today in Jovial. If we don't have enough enrolled by this time, we'll have to cancel the classes. We would really like to offer this wonderful program!
We discovered a large amount of ants in the art room/kitchen. We need everyone’s help to try to keep them away! Please make sure there are no traces of food scraps anywhere at school, clean the floors thoroughly when it’s on your job tag, and empty all garbage cans each day.
Nominating Committee
As mentioned at the membership meeting, we need volunteers for a board nominating committee. This doesn’t mean that you need to become a board member (unless you’d like to)! The committee members will take part in one short Zoom meeting to nominate board members for the next year. We do need a minimum of 2 volunteers from each class. Please email if you would like to participate.
Board Nominations
If you have anyone that you would like to nominate for the board, or if you would like to nominate yourself, please email
Tax ID Number
It's tax season! In case you need it, our tax ID number is 94-6034305
Fall Enrollment
If you missed the priority enrollment window, sign up quickly to guarantee your spot in the fall! If you have friends interested, you can tell them that enrollment is now open to everyone.
February Board Meeting Date Change
February's Board meeting has been moved from February 5 to 12. All community members are always welcome and encouraged to join us!
Upcoming Events
Feb. 5 - Family Movie Night
Feb. 12 – Board Meeting 7:00-9:00 PM
Snack Schedule
Please email Tiffany what you plan to serve for snack by Saturday, February 7th
2Day – Tuesday 2/11 (Akira), Thursday 2/13 (Charlotte)
3Day – Monday 2/10 (Colton), Wednesday 2/12 (Chloe), Friday 2/14 (Charlotte)
Laundry Schedule
Please take laundry home on Thursday or Friday (your last school day of the week) and return it on Monday or Tuesday (your first school day) of the next week.
2/3: Frechette
Quote of the Week
“Every moment is a fresh beginning.”― T.S. Eliot