Sticky Notes Week of January 12
Mon, Jan 13 8:17pm

Membership Meeting 


The date of the next Membership Meeting has been changed from Wednesday, January 15th to Wednesday, January 22nd. In order to allow parents of children in both classes to participate, the format of the meeting will be changed.  

6-7 PM: 2 Day Class Meeting 

7-8 PM: All School 

8-9 PM: 3K Class Meeting 


Daily Cleaning 

There are a lot of viruses going around. Just a friendly reminder to please be extra diligent with the cleaning tasks on your job tag so that we can minimize the germs as much as possible. Thank you! 


February Board Meeeting Date Change 

February's Board meeting has been moved from February 5 to 12.  All community members are always welcome and encouraged to join us! 


See's Candy Fundraiser 

Look out for details about our See's candy fundraiser later this week 


Mandatory Community Clean - This Saturday 

We're looking forward to seeing everyone this Saturday for the Community Clean. Thank you in advance for helping us get Bunker Hill spruced up for our Open House on the 25th! 


Family Movie Night Returns 

We had such a great time at our movie night in December that we decided to host another one. Please mark your calendars for February 5th, more details to come soon. 



Last week an updated laundry schedule and school jobs list were posted in Konstella. 


Minted Fundraiser 

Thank you to those who participated in the fundraiser with Minted. Please send your receipt to "" so that we can add it to your annual fundraising commitment. 


Make Up Projects 

There are a few projects available for anyone who needs to make-up a day from the Community Clean, a missed Membership Meeting and/or an uncovered Co-Op Participation Day. 


Bonus Bunker 

Registration for January Bonus Bunker is in Jovial! Dates are January 17 and 31. Join us for some Friday afternoon fun!  


Extra Clothes 

If you have any clothes that your child's outgrown that you're willing to part with, we'd love to have them at school. We would like to start a collection of clothes to have available in case a child needs a change of clothes and doesn't have any available in their cubby.  


Upcoming Events  

Jan. 18 - Mandatory Community Clean (all non-board families) 9:00-12:00  

Jan. 20 - No School: Martin Luther King Jr. Day  

Jan. 22 - Mandatory Membership Meeting (2Day 6:00, All School 7:00, 3K 8:00)  

Jan. 24 - No School: Staff Preparation for Open House  

Jan. 25 - Open House for Prospective Families 9:00-12:00  

Jan. 27 - Parent Resource Night (virtual) 7:00-9:00  

Feb. 5 - Family Movie Night 


Snack Schedule  

Please email Tiffany what you plan to serve for snack by Saturday, January 18th 

 2Day – Tuesday 1/21 (Edith), Thursday 1/23 (Iman)  

3Day – Wednesday 1/22 (Charlie) 


Laundry Schedule 

Please take laundry home on Thursday or Friday (your last school day of the week) and return it on Monday or Tuesday (your first school day) of the next week. 

1/13: Asvaraksh 


Quote of the Week 

"People working together in a strong community with a shared goal and common purpose can make the impossible possible." ~Henry Ford