Sticky Notes Week of January 5
Mon, Jan 6 10:03am

Happy New Year! Hope everyone had a lovely winter break! 


Membership Meeting 


The date of the next Membership Meeting has been changed from Wednesday, January 15th to Wednesday, January 22nd. In order to allow parents of children in both classes to participate, the format of the meeting will be changed.  

6-7 PM: 2 Day Class Meeting 

7-8 PM: All School 

8-9 PM: 3K Class Meeting 


Mandatory Community Clean 


Quick reminder that all non-board members are required to attend the Community Clean on Saturday, January 18, 9:00-12:00. 


Make Up Projects 


There are a few projects available for anyone who needs to make-up a day from the Community Clean, a missed Membership Meeting and/or an uncovered Co-Op Participation Day. 


Bonus Bunker 


Registration for January Bonus Bunker is now in Jovial! Dates are January 10, 17, and 31. Join us for some Friday afternoon fun!  


Tuesday Tunes 


The next Tuesday Tunes registration is open in Jovial! Everyone had a great time with music teacher Mandy last time, and we’re looking forward to another Tuesday Tunes with her. 

Similar to Bonus Bunker, this is a drop-off class. Please see the details below and let us know if you have any questions. 


Dates: January 14, 21, 28 

Time: 1:00-3:00pm 

Cost: $150 (for all 3 classes) 


Co-oping Day Substitute  


Unfortunately, the cold and flu season is here. We understand that it can be difficult to get coverage on your co-op day when you or your child are sick. We'll be discussing additional options at our board meeting in January, meanwhile, here is a a gentle reminder about our policy for co-op days that have not been covered. Thank you for helping us keep Bunker Hill the magical place that it is. Please let us know if you have any questions. 


"In case of illness or absence of the Classroom Volunteer, every family is expected to find a substitute to cover their job tag. Classroom Volunteers are responsible for finding their own coverage, and BHPPNS does not facilitate swaps.  


Families are encouraged to message the Konstella thread, text, or email other families in their class. If this is unsuccessful, families can contact the general membership through the All Classes group on Konstella or call fellow classmates directly. It is recommended that Classroom Volunteers using a substitute either pay a $50 sub fee or offer to work a co-oping Day for the person substituting.  If you are unable to find a substitute, please email the Director and classroom teachers before your assigned co-oping Day. Classroom Volunteers who miss a co-oping day must make up the school's hours in special projects outlined on Konstella or assigned by the Director or Membership VP." 


Extra Clothes 


If you have any clothes that your child's outgrown that you're willing to part with, we'd love to have them at school. We would like to start a collection of clothes to have available in case a child needs a change of clothes and doesn't have any available in their cubby.  


January Events 


7/8 - Make-Up Picture day 

8 - Board Meeting @ 7:00 

18 - Mandatory Community Clean (all non-board families) 9:00-12:00 

20 - No School: Martin Luther King Jr. Day 

22 - Mandatory Membership Meeting (2Day 6:00, All School 7:00, 3K 8:00) 

24 - No School: Staff Preparation for Open House 

25 - Open House for Prospective Families 9:00-12:00 

27 - Parent Resource Night (virtual) 7:00-9:00 


Quote of the Week 


'We will open the book. The pages are blank. We are going to put the words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day." ~Edith Lovejoy Pierce