Thankful Chain
At the sign in table you will find a basket with strips of paper. Please take one or two home, (or more if your child is really interested) and ask your child to share something they are thankful for. Write down what they say on a chain and return the chain to school. We will share their links at circle time, connect them, and then make a LONG chain to display around the Big Room.
Bonus Bunker
Bonus Bunker registration is open for November and December. Sign in to Jovial to sign up for some fun Friday afternoons!
Grown-Ups Library
Our lending library for grown-ups is now available! It's on the shelf on top of the cubbies, next to the co-opers cabinet. Please bring any books you would like to donate so we can borrow books to share with one another.
Tuesday Tunes
We're excited to announce a new afternoon program at Bunker Hill, "Tuesday Tunes"!
Similar to Bonus Bunker, this is a drop-off class. Please see the details below and let us know if you have any questions.
Dates: November 19, December 3 and December 10
Time: 1:00-3:00pm
Registration: Space is limited, registration will be available in Jovial beginning Wednesday, November 5. Children ages 3 and older who no longer nap in the afternoon are eligible to join.
Cost: $150 (for all 3 classes)
Registration is available in the family portal on Jovial.
Flu Shots
Please remember to upload proof of your flu shot or a signed declination to Jovial by December 1. The declination can be found in Konstella or we have printed copies available on the top of the cubbies.
Celia's Fundraiser on Thursday Night
We hope to see you at Celia's on Thursday night! More details will be posted to Konstella. Please remember to send your receipt to if you attend.
Co-oping Day Substitute
Below is a gentle reminder about our policy for co-op days that have not been covered. Thank you for helping us keep Bunker Hill the magical place that it is. Please let us know if you have any questions.
"In case of illness or absence of the Classroom Volunteer, every family is expected to find a substitute to cover their job tag. Classroom Volunteers are responsible for finding their own coverage, and BHPPNS does not facilitate swaps.
Families are encouraged to message the Konstella thread, text, or email other families in their class. If this is unsuccessful, families can contact the general membership through the All Classes group on Konstella or call fellow classmates directly. It is recommended that Classroom Volunteers using a substitute either pay a $50 sub fee or offer to work a co-oping Day for the person substituting. If you are unable to find a substitute, please email the Director and classroom teachers before your assigned co-oping Day. Classroom Volunteers who miss a co-oping day must make up the school's hours in special projects outlined on Konstella or assigned by the Director or Membership VP."
Amazon Wish List
We've started a school wish list if anyone would like to make a donation of supplies to Bunker Hill!
Upcoming Events
November 14 - Fundraising Night at Celia's
November 15 - Bonus Bunker
November 19 – Tuesday Tunes Begins
November 20 - Parents Night Out at Harry's Hofbrau in Redwood City
November 22 - Bonus Bunker
November 25-29 - No School (Thanksgiving Break)
Snack Schedule
Please email Tiffany what you plan to serve for snack by Saturday, November 16th
2Day – Tuesday 11/19 (Akira), Thursday 11/21 (Darius)
3Day – Monday 11/18 (Naya), Wednesday 11/20 (Noah), Friday 11/22 (Amelia)
Quote of the Week
Wednesday, November 13 is World Kindness Day - Bunker Hill is a community of kindness every day! What intentional act of Bunker Hill kindness will you share with others in the world this week? 🙂