Additional Requirement in Jovial for Field Trips
As we mentioned at our Membership Meeting, we need a very quick form filled out on Jovial for our upcoming field trips. This only needs to be filled in and signed for the adults that will be driving for our field trips. We will be checking this before every field trip.
2day: You need to submit this no later than Wednesday, October 2nd, and the field trip is the next morning.
3Day/PreK: submit no later than Tuesday, October 15th, and the field trip is the next morning.
If you are driving children other than your own, you will need to submit a bit more paper, and please email Tiffany directly to get that extra info.
Jovial login is here:
Co-Op Teams: Consistency is Key!
Please make sure to share the information from last week's memberhsip meeting with everyone in your co-op team. If your family missed the meeting please look out for special projects as they become available and check-in with a fellow co-oper about the information that was shared/presented.
Bunker Boo Bash
Save the date! Saturday, October 26, 11:00-1:30. All families are invited to join us for our annual Fall Social. More details and sign-ups to come after the October break.
Troll Making
We're looking for recycled materials to make trolls for our Boo Bash. Please bring in anything you think we could use.... Paper towel rolls, cereal boxes, empty containers, etc....
Fall Break
Please remember that Bunker Hill is closed next week. Sticky Notes will resume the week of October 14.
Parent Participation Projects
If you haven’t yet signed up for your PPP, make sure to do so!
Bonus Bunker
There are a few spots left for Bonus Bunker in October! Sign up through Jovial.
Amazon Wish List
We've started a school wish list if anyone would like to make a donation of supplies to Bunker Hill!
Sticky Notes
Have anything to add to the Sticky Notes? Email by Saturday, October 12th to have it added to the next Sticky Notes!
What’s Happening at Bunker Hill This Month?
10/2: Board Meeting (7-9 PM)
10/7-10/11: No School (Fall Break)
Snack Schedule
Please email Tiffany what you plan to serve for snack by Saturday, October 12th
2Day – Tuesday 10/15 (Edith), Thursday 10/17 (Jordan)
3Day – Monday 10/14 (Quinn), Wednesday 10/16 (Noah), Friday 10/18 (Charlotte)
Laundry Schedule
Please take laundry home on Thursday or Friday (your last school day of the week) and return it on Monday or Tuesday (your first school day) of the next week.
9/30: Prziborowski (return after Fall Break)
Quote of the Week
"Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons." ~ Jim Bishop