Sticky Notes  Week of February 5, 2024
Sun, Feb 4 6:26pm


Open House 

A HUGE thank you to everyone that helped make our Open House a great success. It's an exciting time to start planning for future classes! 


See's Candy 

See's Candy will arrive later this week. Tiffany will send a message through Konstella when it's ready for pick up. Thank you for such a successful fundraiser, we raised $770 for our school! 


Parent Resource Night - Feedback Requested 

We're glad so many of you were able to attend the San Mateo Council's Parent Resource Night last week. It was a very successful event with close to 200 people in attendance. The planners and speakers would love the feedback of those who attended and would greatly appreciate it if you could take just 3-5 minutes and fill out this quick, one-page Parent Resource Night Feedback Survey. It helps us improve it and better fit it to your needs in the future. Thanks for taking a moment to provide your input.


Summer Camp Registration 
Summer camp registration is now open on Jovial! Camp will be held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 9am-12pm on these dates:  
     - Session 1: June 18 - 27 
     - Session 2: July 9 - 18 
If you sign up by May 1st, you can get early-bird tuition for $425 per child, per session. After May 1st, tuition goes to the normal rate of $450 per child, per session. All currently enrolled and alumni families are welcome to sign up. Please message Margot with any questions! 


2024-2025 Board Nominations 
Bunker Hill wouldn’t be the amazing place it is without the help and effort put in by all our awesome families. The nomination committee has met and approved the first round of Board slate candidates (4 people, woohoo!). Final self-nominations are due by this Wednesday, February 7. We appreciate your consideration!  


What’s Coming Up?  
2/7 Board Meeting 7pm 
2/7 Last call for Board slate nominations 
2/9 Family Game Night at Fieldwork Brewing Co. 5-7pm 

2/12 3K Post Office Field Trip 
2/12-2/29 Winter Check-Ins (scheduled individually by teachers) 
2/19 No School – President's Day 
2/21 PreK Produce Market Field Trip 
3/6 Board Meeting 7pm 
3/8 No School – Staff Development Day 


Snack Schedule          

2Day – Tuesday (Wrenix), and Thursday (Alder)    

3K – Monday (Luna), Wednesday (Celine), and Friday (Lenny)  



Quote of the Week 
People working together in a strong community with a shared goal and a common purpose can make the impossible possible." ~Tom Vilsack