Sticky Notes Week of April 29, 2024
Sun, Apr 28 11:20pm



Make-Up Projects 

Please refer to the email sent to your family on April 22nd for your individual summary of responsibilities. The number of make-up slots you sign up for should equal the number of co-op responsibilities you are missing. For example, if you missed (1) membership meeting and (1) community clean, your name should be in two areas of the spreadsheet.   

End of Year Clean - Google Sheets 

If you have any questions about the tasks, please ask a teacher or Tiffany. Thank you for keeping our school looking great! 



Updated Emergency Response Plan 

Please take a moment to review the updated Emergency Response plan that was uploaded to Konstella last week.  



Silent Auction Donations 

We'll be hosting a silent auction at our social on May 15. Please let Tiffany know if you have anything you would like to donate or are interested in asking businesses for a donation. So far some of the items we have are a manicure party (adults only), a basket of Bunker Hill themed sensory items, a golf lesson from a former professional golfer, a bug exploring basket (which includes a crocheted plush made by Teacher Sarah).  All money raised from the silent auction will be used to support future Bunker Hill families who may need tuition assistance. 



Keepsakes Fundraiser 
Keep your eye out for Margot’s fundraising email from Orders will be due May 5th and in-class paintings will be the week of May 20th. 



Swing on the Yard 

We're looking for ideas to hang a swing in our yard. This would be something that we can put up and take down. If you have any suggestions, please let us know! We have the swing, now we just need to find a solution. 



Tick Season 

Tick season is upon us. Remember to check your child and yourself when you leave school. Our tick resource box will be available on the sign-in table and includes things like tweezers, tick keys, samples of repellent and prevention tips. There are also resources available in Konstella in the "Tick Safety Folder." Some of the best defenses against ticks is to dress appropriately and check often. 



Dramatic Play Area Items Requested  
Our teachers are planning to turn the dramatic play area into a store. Please bring in empty gift cards, as well as clean and empty food containers like cereal boxes, yogurt containers, cracker boxes, etc. Thank you for your help!  


Future Class Enrollments  
It’s the season to enroll in Summer Camp, Bonus Bunker (May), Baby Bunker, and 2024-2025 school year classes! Space is limited and available on a first come first served basis. Please check Jovial to enroll:   


Baby Bunker (May 4 & 11) 

Our next sessions of Baby Bunker continue in May. Please ask Tiffany if you have any questions. Registration is available in Jovial.  

Bonus Bunker  

Bonus Bunker is scheduled for May 3, 17, and 31!  


Summer Camp 

The early registration discount ends this week on April 30th. Beginning May 1, the price will increase to $450 per session. 



What’s Coming Up?   
4/29 PreK Field Trip to Elkus Ranch 

4/30 Last Day to Enroll in Summer Camp at a Discounted Rate 
5/1 Board Transition Meeting 7PM 

5/5 Keepsakes Fundraiser Orders due 

5/10 *All make-up projects are due* 
5/13-17 Teacher Appreciation Week 
5/15 Adult Membership Meeting Social at Marvin Gardens (Belmont) 7pm 


Snack Schedule Week of 5/6  

2Day – Tuesday (Wrenix), and Thursday (Chloe)     

3K – Monday (Robert), Wednesday (Celine), and Friday (Charlotte) 

Please email Tiffany by Saturday, April 27 with what you plan to serve for snack. 

Laundry Schedule  
Lee (2Day) 

When it’s your week to do laundry, you will bring it home on your last school day of the week (Thursday or Friday) and return it on your first school day the following week (Monday or Tuesday).  Please don’t forget to also gather the rags from the yard.  Thank you!  


Quote of the Week  

"Always find time for the things that make you feel happy to be alive." ~Matt Haig