Fine Arts Mini-Experience (FAME) is an in-class art and music program taught by parent volunteers. No art or music experience necessary ... just enthusiasm!
Positions (1/3 filled)
Committee Chair Signed Up: 1 / 1FAME Chair coordinates volunteers and assets for organizing the FAME program:
Committee Co-Chair Signed Up: 0 / 1FAME Chair coordinates volunteers and assets for organizing the FAME program:
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Committee Members Signed Up: 13 / 30Each year, the FAME program has 6 lessons in its syllabus. Each lesson introduces one artist and one composer to the children. FAME
volunteers are expected to prepare each lesson and present it to the kids in class. You can co-ordinate with the class teacher for a slot to
come to class. Ideally we need 2-3 volunteers per class. More about the FAME program at
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