Early dismissal day (Staff Development/snow day)
Fri, Feb 16
Community Park School


January 4, 2024

Dear PPS Staff, Families and Communities,

At the January 2nd Board of Education meeting, a revised 2023-2024 district calendar was approved. The revised calendar now includes three built-in “snow” days which provide us the flexibility to convert a scheduled day off into an early dismissal school day should we have to close unexpectedly for snow or other inclement weather. Without the built-in days, it’s possible that the school year could be extended which can impact end of year events. The new calendar allows us to plan more effectively for end of year events, including Princeton High School’s graduation and the last day of school for students - both of which are scheduled for Friday, June 14th.

For your planning purposes, it is important to note the potential impact of the calendar changes:

  • If a snow day occurs before Friday, February 16th, the February 16th staff in-service day will become an early dismissal school day for students and staff.
  • If a second snow day is needed, Friday May 24th will become an early dismissal day for students and staff.
  • If a third snow day is needed, Monday, March 25th (the first day of spring break) will be designated as an early dismissal day for students and staff.

I recognize that some families may have scheduled vacation plans and college visits, so I encourage you to familiarize yourself with the revised calendar. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to contact your building principal.

Most Sincerely,

Dr. Kathie Foster
Acting Superintendent