Sign Up for 5th Grade Welcome Tour Guides & Parent Volunteers
Thu, Aug 31 12:00pm-2:15pm
Community Park School
2 days before, 1 day before


Dear Families,

It is a CP tradition that 5th grade students (with the help of parent volunteers) give new students and families tours of CP school the last working day before school starts. Join us to keep this fun tradition alive and to kick off this exciting last year of elementary school for our 5th graders!

The tours will take place on Thursday, August 31:

  • 12:00-1:30pm: Incoming Kindergarten Family Tours
  • 1:30-2:15pm : New Family Tours for Grades 1-5

Your student will partner with another 5th grader and together they will lead small groups (max 10 people) on a short tour of the building, followed by time for new families to ask questions outside in the fresh air.

Before each session, we will hold a brief orientation for the 5th grade volunteers on how to lead the tours, plus they will have some pizza followed by a treat from the PTO .  Each student-led tour will be accompanied by a veteran CP parent volunteer just in case they need a "lifeline." Fifth graders should wear their CP shirts and a smile.

We're asking 5th grade volunteers (and parent volunteers) to sign up for a tour session below. Thank you!


5th Grade Tour Guide Signed Up: 12 / 12

Thu, Aug 31 12:00pm-2:15pm

Parent Volunteer Signed Up: 3 / 4

Thu, Aug 31 12:00pm-2:15pm
Sign up