Crestwood Cougarthon Sponsors
Sun, Jan 7 2:43pm

We are looking for sponsors for our annual walkathon. Please share with anyone that you think would possibly be interested. Thanks!

Dear Business Owner,

Crestwood Elementary respectfully requests that you consider becoming a community sponsor for our upcoming school fundraiser Crestwood Cougarthon. Our Fun Run will be Thursday, March 8th at our school. Students collect donations from individuals sponsoring their walk and all funds raised support enrichment programs and capital projects at our school.

We want to involve the community in making this a successful event. Crestwood Elementary is home to approximately 600 students and is a source of pride for the families who participate in making it a first rate school. We would like to offer you the opportunity to take pride in Crestwood as well by becoming one of our Community Sponsors. The amount a Community Sponsors may contribute is flexible. We are offering a $200 sponsorship level and a $400 sponsorship level. At the $200 level, your business logo will be put on the back of our event t-shirts. At the $400 level, your business logo will be bigger than the $200 level. Our entire student body and staff will be receiving shirts to promote our event and sponsors. We are also prominently promoting these businesses using our PTA Facebook group, newsletter, and weekly school email.

Please fill out the sponsorship form on the next page and return it by January 21, 2018. You may mail your form and donation, drop off your form and donation, or contact us and we will be glad to pick up your form and donation. For more information, please call Annette Kennedy at 502-931-5564 or Crestwood Elementary hopes you will welcome this opportunity to be part of an event that impacts so many families in our community. Businesses like yours make the difference. As our appreciation, we would like to give you a t-shirt as a gift for sponsoring our walk-a-thon. Thank you for your consideration.


Crestwood Elementary PTA