Jogathon update and prize alert!
Thu, Jan 23 7:50pm

Hello Del Mar Hills Families!

The Jogathon is in full swing! Thank you to everyone who has registered on Pledgestar and either donated or sent out emails. It's not too late - you can still register HERE.

Get your donations in fast because students with $25 or more in donations for the jogathon through Pledgstar will have the chance to win gift cards such as Handel's ice cream and In-N-Out burger. Now through January 31, we will announce 1 winner from each grade every Friday!   

Here is your prize breakdown (separate from the weekly drawings):  

  *  The top 3 fundraising classes during the jogathon campaign will earn a pizza party, and the class with the highest participation (defined as students donating $25 or more) will earn a cookie party!

  *  All students who have donated $400 or more since the beginning of the school year will receive a STEAM+ trucker hat.

  *  All students who have donated $800 or more since the beginning of the school year will receive an insulated water bottle and will be entered into an opportunity drawing for some truly exceptional prizes such as:

  • a behind-the-scenes tour of the San Diego Zoo Vet Hospital led by a Zoo veterinarian,
  • Student experiences such as lunch with Principal Sleet, assistant coach, garage band with Mrs. Edwards, and special art and music club experiences,
  • a Nintendo Switch, iPads, Drones, a Chromebook, Legos, a Build a Fort set, Walkie Talkies and more!

  *  All students with donations of $1000 or more since the start of school will receive a personalized water bottle.

  *  If Del Mar Hills reaches its goal of $34,000, the students get to watch Principal Sleet get sawed in half!

Thank you all for your support of the STEAM+ program!


Heather, Helen and Nataliya