Sun, Nov 10 3:47pm
NEW! Mr. Deveau is excited to start another round of Before and Afterschool Sports. After School Sports is a GREAT opportunity to learn new games and learn how to play with other students in small sided games. Before School Sports is a GREAT opportunity to start your day with some activity, exercise, and a ton of fun! Check out the flyer for more details.
Conference Week will be November 18-22. Dismissal is at 1:30pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Dismissal is at 2:00pm on Wednesday.
Please check the Duffy Calendar for a complete list of activities.
Thank you to all those who participated in Parents Night Out. Thank you to the families and friends of the Duffy community who were generous enough to donate the items, events, and services to be auctioned off. Thank you to those of you who donated to the virtual auction, and who came to the live event. We could not have done it without you!!
We earned approximately $23,000 for the Duffy Community!!
Wondering how to obtain your winnings from the auction? There will be a Konstella message going out in the near future! Thank you for your patience!
A HUGE thank you to Kelly Flynn, Paige Joseph, and the entire fundraising committee! You planned an awesome Parents Night Out at New Park Brewing last Friday for our BIGGEST fundraiser of the year! Thank you to all who came out, and the many Duffy families who donated items as well. The event was a huge success for our school! Thank you, thank you!
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Please send announcements you wish to have included in the
weekly eBlast by Friday 3:00pm to Calla Leonardo. Thank you!