Duffy eBlast 9.22.24
Sun, Sep 22 10:25am

Lyman Orchards Pie and Cookie Dough Fundraiser sales will start on October 1st - keep an eye out for flyers coming home in backpacks with instructions on how to order your pies and/or cookie dough.      


FUN RUN!  The elementary PE staff is putting on a town wide FUN RUN for all students in grades 3-5.  It will be held on Wednesday Oct 2 afterschool at 3:00 here at Duffy! It is a great opportunity for students to showcase their cardiovascular fitness and sportsmanship toward other schools and athletes.  Please see the attached flyer for more information.


Duffy Dance! This year’s Duffy Dance has a Halloween theme and will be held on Friday, October 11th from 6-8pm. Wear a costume or dress to impress, it’s up to you! 


Save the date!  Parents' Night Out is Friday, November 8th from 7-10pm at New Park Brewing.  Stay tuned for more event details, including ticket sales, in the coming weeks.


We're in full swing collecting donations for the virtual auction that accompanies Parents' Night Out. If you would like to donate (business service, tickets, vacation house, etc.), please email Kelly Flynn and Paige Joseph - duffyptofundraiser@gmail.com. Duffy family donations will be highlighted!
You can also help by donating the gift cards that are taking up space in your wallets or junk drawers...grab one at the supermarket or your favorite local store. Any denomination would be appreciated!!
Lastly, the fundraising committee is looking for a few new members to help with projects throughout the year, mainly the auction this fall!  If you're interested in joining, please email duffyptofundraiser@gmail.com.

Duffy "Ski/Snowboard Wednesday" Program - Registration Open for Winter 2025!  We are pleased to announce that the "Ski/Snowboard Wednesday" Program is back for another year on the slopes at Ski Sundown, starting in January 2025. This parent-organized, co-op program is not affiliated with Duffy School or the Duffy PTO, and is a weekly ski/snowboard program open for students in Grades 4 and 5 with a waitlist for Grade 3. 

More information, including costs, dates/times, lift and lesson packages, transportation options, and more can be found on our Program Flyer. Parents must complete a multi-step process with registration form, TWO mandatory hand-signed waiver forms, and payment details. Registration & Payment Deadline: October 30, 2024. Bus transportation, however, is limited so register early!

The program leaders this year are Janet and Jonathan Malloy, who both grew up spending Wednesday afternoons on local ski mountains (Janet with Duffy!) and are looking forward to helping instill a love of skiing/boarding in the next generation of Dragons. For any questions on the program, please contact them through DuffySkiClub@gmail.com.

A big shout-out to our new PTO VP, Anthony Ciolli, who organized our Duffy Welcome Wagon Dinner/Welcome Back Social on Thursday! Also, sending out a warm thank you to all who volunteered to make the event run smoothly: Erin Ryan, Sarah Bignami, Liz Normand, Michelle Ahmed, Jennifer Anderson, Kelly Habif, Michelle Pryzbek, Jillian Sullivan, Shannon Carroll and Catherine Bue-Hepner. It takes a village and we're so happy you're a part of ours! 

Duffy Elementary School PTO Like us on Facebook!   

Please send announcements you wish to have included in the
weekly eBlast by Friday 3:00pm to Calla Leonardo.  Thank you!