Hi everyone! Happy to report that all orders have either been picked up, dropped off, or will be coming home with your students today. The gear is stapled into paper bags, so none of the gear is visible unless it's opened up. A couple of notes ...
1. The navy blue shopping bags came in, but looked awful. We've returned them, reordered them, and will distribute the new ones when they arrive!
2. We had a very small percentage of order errors, so I'm asking for your grace with that. I was able to fulfill almost everything, but a limited number of items might not have the exact logo that you selected (this was especially true with youth kelly green t-shirts). I've made a note of all of the errors that I noticed, but if something doesn't look right when you open up your bags, please reach out directly! Know that if I did notice an error with your order, there should be a message inside of your bag acknowledging it!
3. Our vendor is currently abroad with her family, so I'm going to respect her work/life balance and not reach out to her until she's back in town and re-open for business.
4. Last but not least, I suspect I'll reopen the shop at some point in January just to get the replacement/correction orders straightened out. I'll let you know if/when that happens, on the off chance that you're interested in purchasing more gear!
Have a very happy holiday everyone!