Education Funding Forum - Duniway Families, Teachers and Staff - UNITE!
Mon, Feb 10 6:00pm-7:30pm
Duniway Elementary

Does your heart sink thinking about how tough it is for our 1st grade teachers to manage a class of 30+ kids when we could do better for all of them?


Have you wanted to do something about it, but don't know how and where to start?


Together we will raise visibility about why it is imperative that the state fully funds education for our children, teachers and school communities.  It is critical that we let our district and state leaders know the impacts our schools.  


Join Us for a school funding forum here at Duniway! 

RSVP, submit questions for a moderated Q&A, share personal stories, sign up for child care. 


WHAT to expect:

  • Learn about the current and future of education funding that our Oregon Legislature is voting on between now and May.
  • Hear our community speak up on how the funding deficit is impacting families, classrooms and schools.
  • Walk away with simple, meaningful actions you can implement on your own time.


WHO will be there:

We are bringing together influential leaders who have an opportunity to impact school funding.


  • Superintendent Kimberlee Armstrong
  • School Board Director Eddie Wang (zone 7)
  • Senator Kathleen Taylor (21st district)
  • Representative Rob Nosse (42nd district)


Your presence is so powerful.  Help us in asking our district and State to take the necessary actions that give our kids the educational start they need in life.  We show we care by showing up.    



We hope to see you all there.


In solidarity for our children and schools,

Your Duniway Advocacy Committee