Duniway caregivers, teachers, and staff,
Did you know that Portland Public Schools are facing a $40M budget deficit in 2025-2026 on the heels of a $30M deficit in 2024-2025? Do you want to do something about it, but don't know where to start?
JOIN US for an Oregon Education Funding Forum for the SE PPS Community
- Tuesday, February 10th from 6 -7:30p
- Duniway Elementary School Auditorium
- RSVP, submit questions for our district leaders and state officials, share your powerful stories and sign up for child care here!
Your presence is powerful. The act of showing up alone moves the needle by demonstrating to our elected officials and district leaders that they cannot ignore the future of their youngest constituents. Bring friends, neighbors, and grandparents.
📚Learn directly about the current state and future of Oregon education funding from your legislators and district leaders – the people sitting at the table in key decisions.
📣 Hear our community speak up on the issues lack of funding is causing our children and schools – such as large class sizes, Special Education Services failing to meet federally mandated obligations, student learning deficits, drops in enrollment leading to reduced resources, and other impacts.
💪🏽Walk away with simple, meaningful actions you can take, on your own time, to advocate to fund Oregon schools year-round.
We’re bringing together influential leaders who have a direct opportunity to impact funding for our schools, including:
- Superintendent Dr. Kimberlee Armstrong
- Director Eddie Wang (Zone 7 School Board)
- Senator Kathleen Taylor (21st district)
- Representative Mark Gamba (41st district)
- Representative Rob Nosse (42nd District)
Our Duniway community is one of our strongest assets. Yet we remain limited in giving our kids the education they deserve with our current state funding. Coming together is a powerful way to leverage our community to influence change. Simply put, this is an opportunity to show up for all Oregon families in a concrete, meaningful way.
We hope to see all of you there!
Your Duniway Advocacy Committee