Spring Eastside Portland Lacrosse Registration
Fri, Jan 24 8:30am

Here we go with another spring season ! We are looking forward to seeing you all and having fun out on the fields soon !

If you have questions about EPL (or lacrosse in general) 

Feel free to reach out to Stephanie Dytham, EPL Coach and Duniway Parent (Kasia, 4th grade, and Theo, 2nd grade) for more information: Stephanie.Dytham@gmail.com or text at: (503) 936-3787.
Please note- we are still organzing practice spaces, but they will likely be conveniently located for Duniway players. ex: Sellwood Park, Westmoreland Park, Milwaukie HS turf.



Program Details


Girls in 1st-2nd grade will practice once per week and have games on some Saturdays or Sundays during the season. $170


Boys and girls in 3rd-4th grades and boys in 1st-2nd grades will have two practices per week on weekday evenings and games on Saturdays during the season. $235


Boys and girls in 5th-8th grades will have two practices per week on weekday evenings, and games on Saturdays (and some Sundays) throughout the season. $270


We’ll let you know by late February about team assignments, practice schedule and field locations. Expect multiple teams in each grade level division where we strive to create balanced teams.