An Evening of Wine Tasting
Thu, May 19 7:00pm-9:30pm
Pre Elementary building, 206 fifth avenue, MPR, 5th floor
1 day before


This event will be presented by EINY parent, Nefissa Sator, an oenologist. She will introduce 5 wines from the Burgundy region in France. They will be paired with appetizers prepared by "Agathe".

Cost: $60 per person or $110 per couple.

We have 60 spots available for this event. Please reserve your spot by confirming your interest via email and submitting payment before May 6th.

You may submit your payment by check made payable to EINY either at the Main building or the Pre-Elementary building.

Please note that this is an adult-only event. Child care will not be provided.



This fun social event is not a fundraising event. It is organized by EINY parents and the participation fee is only to cover the cost of the fine wines and light food.