Advocacy Update - May 14th School Board Meeting Update
Thu, May 9 4:24pm

This is a summary of the May 14th School Board Meeting Minutes. There doesn't seem to be anything pressing to point your attention to, so please reference the linked minutes for details about the items below. 


Agenda items include:

  1. Staff Recommendation for High School Math Curriculum Adoption: CPM Integrated Math
  2. Update on the Development of a New Three-Year Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
  3. 2024-2025: Budget Adoption Process - Budget Assumptions, Site Discretionary Funds, Categorical Programs, and Parcel Taxes
  4. Resolution No. 2023-2024.64 Granting of Easement to the City of Alameda (WMS)
  5. Approval of Deed Acquiring Land from the City of Alameda per Lot Line Adjustment
  6. Consideration and Approval of Amendment to the Superintendent's Employment Agreement



In Person Participation

Meeting locations are listed at the top of the agenda. 

A speaker slip must be submitted to speak on any item in person.   


Remote Participation via Zoom on a Computer/Smart Phone/Device   

Ensure you are using the most current version of the Zoom app or an updated web browser.  Certain functionality may be disabled if the app or browser are not updated. 


Register using the link below.  Click "raise hand" when you wish to speak on an item and click "unmute" once you have been called to speak.


Remote Participation via Standard Telephone Call

Call 669-900-9128 and enter the Meeting ID listed at the top of the agenda.  Dial *9 to raise your hand when you wish to speak on an item and dial *6 to unmute once you have been called to speak.


Zoom Registration Link:


For Telephone Participants:

Zoom Phone Number: 669-900-9128

Zoom Meeting ID: 892 1582 9256