The Earhart PTA Bylaws Committee needs two to three (2-3) volunteers willing to commit no more than two (2) hours of time before the end of 2024.
What does the Bylaws Committee do?
Reviews the PTA bylaws or standing rules. Every five (5) years these rules and any recommended
changes must be submitted to the California State PTA for approval. The 2024-25 school year falls on this five-year interval.
This small committee is chaired by the Earhart PTA parliamentarian and will meet no more than two times in November and December 2024. After reviewing and approving any changes to the bylaws, the committee chair will forward to the Earhart PTA Executive Board and California State PTA parliamentarian for any required action.
Tentative Schedule:
- November 11 to 22 Individually review Earhart PTA Bylaws
- November 25 Provide any edits with track changes in a shared google doc
- December 2-16 Committee members will meet and confer on any changes; if
accomplished during one meeting there will be no need for a second
meeting and your contribution is completed - December 17 to March Committee chair/parliamentarian is responsible for obtaining any required approvals from Executive Board, CA State PTA, and Earhart PTA general membership
Positions (2/2 filled)
Committee Chair Signed Up: 1 / 1 |
By Laws Reviewer Signed Up: 4 / 4We are currently seeking 2-4 volunteers to join Chris Miley (committee chair) in reviewing current bylaws and recommending changes if necessary. We anticipate this task taking approximately 2 hours or less of your time from mid November to mid December.