Garden Lunch Recess Volunteers
Edison Garden
1 day before

Spring has sprung and the kiddos are anxious to explore the garden at lunch recess!  Two of us opened the garden the week before Spring Break and we had over 50 eager kids join us between the two recesses.  I don't think the garden had been open for a lunch recess since November (I could tell by the last coloring sheets which were all Halloween and Thanksgiving related :). 


If you sign up, please make sure at minimum one other parent will be there.  It is hard to keep an eye on digging/planting and kids attempting to forage in the shed if there is only one of you.  Also, I highly suggest bringing an empty bag and grabbing 20 -30 oranges and/or apples from the share bin in the office.  (the oranges might be in the health room fridge). There is a knife and cutting board in the shed and the kids love to eat apple slices and orange wedges!  


And here are the standard guidelines from the Garden Committee:

Garden is only open during lunch if we have volunteers. You can help the kids by assisting them in doing light work (like watering, planting, weeding, etc). We will also have coloring pages for the kids to color in the garden.

Please help to keep our shared space clean and neat. No digging or pulling in the beds or around the garden at this time. 

If you signed up for Monday and or Tuesday please close out 10 min. early. Ms. Sara will need to prep class at 12:25pm.

If it rains the garden recess will be canceled.

If only one person sign up for the day... I encourage you to find a friend or garden recess will be canceled.

No kinder kids in the garden during recess just yet... it will be in the spring.

Once you have signed up I will share the gate codes with you.

To become a volunteer you must have Completed Volunteer Agreement form (valid for the entire school year) and TB form.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out.