Auction Committee

 2024 Edison Spring Auction & Gala

This is an annual event that raises money for the Edison PTA programming. The PTA funds our Garden instructor, field trips to amazing places, like the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and assemblies, like the Oakland Ballet. The PTA provides all school supplies and classroom basics. As a result, we ensure that all of our students have equal access to school supplies, field trips, and enrichment programs, regardless of their household income. 

Date: 3/16/24 (book your childcare now)
Time: 6-10pm
Theme: Saturday Night Fever
Location: Alameda Ballroom, 1415 Broadway

Volunteers are needed! Sign-up for event day positions - see below.

Positions (4/20 filled)


On Friday before the gala, we will set up the ballroom. We need tables picked up from Edison and one other location and brought to the ballroom. (We will need help returning them on Monday.) We will decorate the ballroom.
Sign up

(DAY-OF) Live Auction Spotter Signed Up: 5 / 10

Please note, you need to already have a ticket to the event. During the Gala: Bid spotter during live auction
Sign up

(DAY-OF) Set-up Crew Signed Up: 2 / 4

Update as of 1/21: This year most of the setup will take place on Friday 3/15 2-6 pm. Please consider signing up and helping on Friday. We will keep this listing (the day of set up) in case we need it. Thanks Before the Gala: Assist with event setup.
Sign up

(DAY-OF) Greeters Signed Up: 1 / 3

During the Gala: As guests arrive, pour & hand out drinks, direct people into ticket pick up lines, answer questions
Sign up

(DAY-OF) Check-in Desk Volunteers Signed Up: 4 / 4

During the Gala: Check guests in and ensure they have live auction numbers and their accounts are linked to the software

(DAY-OF) Checkout Table Signed Up: 0 / 4

During the Gala: help at the checkout table as guests exit the event
Sign up

(DAY-OF) Clean-up Volunteers Signed Up: 1 / 8

After the Gala: Assist with event cleanup
Sign up

Donation Coordinators Signed Up: 6 / 10

Starting Jan -Plan and conduct donation request efforts: contact local and non-local donors via mail/email/online submission forms, or to visit businesses in person; enter donation info in online system or communicate info to Online Auction Admin; send thank you letters.
Sign up

Sponsorship Coordinator Signed Up: 0 / 2

Starting Dec - These are monetary donations from businesses - Plan sponsorship benefits (you can use the previous year's); Reach out to potential sponsors and parents with connections to potential sponsors; update and track sponsors on spreadsheet; liaise with auction coordinators; oversee sponsorship promotion before and during the event"
Sign up

Art and Art Docent Coordinator Signed Up: 2 / 2

Starting Dec

Print Designers Signed Up: 0 / 2

Starting Oct/Nov - Work with Auction leads and Sponsorship Coordinator(s) on sponsor promotional design elements (and showcase at the event); Work with Project Manager and Comm/Promotions Coordinator on designing promotional posters and night-of printed materials (TBD)
Sign up

Classroom Home Cooked Meal Coordinator Signed Up: 1 / 2

Starting Dec/Jan - Work with Donation Committee Chair on a donation request plan. Using a template letter, reach out to Room Parents with the Home Cooked Meal plan to help get sign-ups. Manage any questions and follow up with Room Parents to ensure participation.
Sign up

Hosted Party Coordinator Signed Up: 1 / 2

-Starting Jan -Gather ideas for parties; help with final selection; liaison with party hosts, advise on guidelines; set schedule; communicate winners to party hosts
Sign up

Gifts from the Heart Coordinator Signed Up: 1 / 1

- Starting Jan - These are gifts that teachers and staff donate to the auction - e.g. the kinder teachers gift a movie night for their classes; 5th-grade teachers take students on an ice cream outing. - Tasks: Confirm and communicate guidelines to teachers; update the spreadsheet with current year's gift from the heart participants, description of gifts, etc.; liaise with auction coordinators; provide a list of winners to teachers/staff.

Communication, Promotions, & Social Media Signed Up: 1 / 2

Starting Jan/Feb
Sign up

Auction Treasurer Signed Up: 1 / 2

Starting Feb/Mar -Work with past Auction Treasurer to plan budget/expense limits; communicate budget/expense limits, reimbursement process to coordinators as necessary; work with PTA Treasurer
Sign up

Auction Software Coordinator/Admin Signed Up: 1 / 3

Starting Jan/Feb -Upload auction details from Donation team and link pictures
Sign up

General interest Signed Up: 0 / 50

For people generally interested in helping with the Auction, but don't have a specific role at the moment. Sign up here and we'll help you find a spot!
Sign up

Committee Chair Signed Up: 2 / 3

Sign up

Decorations Signed Up: 13 / 13

Bring the vision to life by planning and making decorations.