Diversity & Inclusion Committee

Local ELAC parent groups have the responsibility of providing school administrators and teachers with ongoing advice on a variety of issues related to the education of English learners. This may include issues related to the improvement of the school climate and the curriculum and instruction.


Los grupos locales de padres de ELAC tienen la responsabilidad de proporcionar a los administradores escolares y maestros con consejos en curso sobre una variedad de cuestiones relacionadas con la educación de los estudiantes de Inglés. Esto puede incluir cuestiones relacionadas con la mejora del clima escolar y el currículo e instrucción

Positions (0/8 filled)

Diversity & Inclusion Committee Chair Signed Up: 0 / 1

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Diversity & Inclusion General Committee Member Signed Up: 22 / 50

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Multi-Cultural Dinner Lead Signed Up: 0 / 1

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Multi-Cultural Dinner Committee Member Signed Up: 3 / 25

Help with Multi-Cultural Dinner
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Diversity Celebrations Lead Signed Up: 1 / 2

Lead Diversity Celebrations
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Diversity Celebrations Committee Member Signed Up: 2 / 25

Help with Diversity Celebrations
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ELAC Liaison Signed Up: 1 / 2

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ELAC Committee Signed Up: 0 / 25

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