Prussing PTO

The Prussing PTO board of 2016-2017


We are parents of Prussing students that have committed to help plan events and fundraisers to continue to assist our parents, teachers, administration and most importantly ... our students. Thank you for your part so far in the work at Prussing and your support.

Positions (1/5 filled)

Co- President Signed Up: 2 / 2

Plan agendas Lead Meetings Organize events Outreach Write grants etc.

Treasurer Signed Up: 0 / 1

Handles PTO's finances
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Secretary Signed Up: 0 / 1

Attends meetings and keeps minutes for each month
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Teacher Representative Signed Up: 0 / 3

Representing the teachers of Prussing
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Members At Large Signed Up: 0 / 2

Main leaders that aid in event planning while aiding in organization of logistics and attendees.
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