Family Photo Night 家庭照之夜
Mon, Oct 15 3:30pm-7:30pm
Ferris Elementary School, Room 21
7 days before, 3 days before

As a fundraiser for our school, Lifetouch will be setting up their portable studio in our school.  The entire sitting fee is given directly back to our school.  For just $20 your family will receive one sitting and an 8x10 portrait from the preview of your choice.  It is first come first serve.  The sign-up sheet is at the school office.  Please bring $20 cash or cheque payable to Ferris PAC when you sign up.  Please see attached for details.

作为我们学校的筹款活动,Lifetouch将在我们学校设立便携式工作室。整个照相费将直接返回我们学校。只需20元,您的家人就可以从您选择的预览中获得一张8x10的肖像。先到先得。注册表在学校办公室。当您注册时,请携带20元现金或支票支付给Ferris PAC。详情请看附件。