Munch a Lunch 2020
Sat, Dec 28 8:24pm

Happy New Year! 


Munch a Lunch is now open for Hot Lunches in 2020! 


  • Order through 
  • To make it easy - order for all future hot lunch days at the same time!
  • Deadlines for cash payment to front office are Fridays a week prior before the end of school days; or payment by credit card must be completed by 23:59. Parents just have to remember that orders have to be paid in full and any unpaid orders are automatically cancelled.

Kind regards,

Ferris PAC


新學期热午餐订购在Munch A Lunch已开通。

- 订餐通过

-  为了方便起见 , 多次的热午餐您可以一次性订购!  

- 如用现金付款,请在Hot Lunch一周前的星期五放学前递交到学校办公室;如用信用卡,请在一周前的周五半夜11:59之前在网上付款.  學生父母記得必須全額支付訂單,所有未支付的訂單都會自動取消。

Ferris 家委会