Raffle Ticket Sale Consent Due on this Friday May 10, 2019 | 抽獎券銷售同意書截至日 2019 年 5 月 10 日本週五
Mon, May 6 4:08pm

Our annual Spring Carnival is fast approaching! We will have our annual RAFFLE with valuable prizes from generous donors.  Our grand prize this year is a diamond necklace (appraised at $1,450).  Other prizes include 1-night deluxe hotel stay with breakfast for two (valued at $300), Rib dinner for four (valued at $250), gift baskets and many gift certificates.  


Raffle sale is our largest fundraising event of the year and we need your help to sell tickets!

Please watched out for notification sent out today and return the bottom consent portion to your child's teacher by Friday, May 10.  Thank you for your continued support. 


一年一度的春季嘉年華即將到來!今年的至尊大獎是一條價值$1,450 的鑽石項鍊!其它大獎包括含早餐的豪華酒店住宿一晚、$250 的餐廳現金卡、各種檔次的禮品籃…… 感謝慷慨捐贈這些獎品的企業及個人! 

銷售抽獎券是 PAC 每年最大的籌款項目,我們需要您的支持!
