Silent Auction for March Parking 三月的无声拍卖校长停车位
Tue, Feb 12 9:00am - Wed, Feb 27 2:50pm
Bid Sheet at Ferris Elementary School Front Office, 竞标单在学校办公室
1 day before, 3 days before, 10 days before

Don't you wish you can drive your children right to the school front door during these snowy winter days?

Are you always in a rush dropping off your children at school in the morning? 

Do you always find it difficult to find street parking in the residential area around our school? 


We are excited to announce an on-going PAC fundraising campaign.  Our principal, Mrs. Steele, is kindly offering her parking spot to the highest bidder through monthly silent auctions.  Money raised will be contributed towards the Ferris Playground expansion/upgrades and/or other PAC expenses (Classroom resources/supplies, Fine Arts programs, Technology, Sports equipment, Financial support for Grade 6/7 outdoor camp, Scholarships to graduating Ferris students, and many more…).  Please find attached information for bidding process.


***Last date to bid for March 2019 parking will be Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2019 at 2:50PM***





我们很高兴地宣布一个长久性的PAC筹款活动。我们的校长,Mrs. Steele,将通过每月的无声拍卖向最高出价者慷慨地提供她的停车位。筹集的资金将用于Ferris 游乐场扩建和家委会的其他支出(课堂资源/用品,美术课程,电子技术,体育器材,6/7年级户外营地的财政支持, Ferris毕业学生奖学金等等)。请看附件关于如何竞标。


*** 2019年3月的停车竞标将于2019年2月27日星期三下午2:50截止。 ***