Staff Appreciation Luncheon
Fri, Jun 21 11:30am-12:30pm
Ferris Elementary School
3 days before

Dear Ferris Families,

On Friday, June 21st, our Ferris PAC is organizing a special luncheon to show our appreciation to our hardworking Ferris staff! To make this event a success, we need support from our wonderful Ferris families. We are looking for an assortment of side dishes, main dishes, desserts, and beverages.
If you can contribute any food items for this special event, please email us at by Wednesday, June 19th, letting us know what you plan to bring.
Important details:
- Nut-Free: Due to allergies, please ensure that none of your food items contain any nuts.
- Drop-Off: All food items should be brought to the school by 11:30 am on Friday, June 21st. You can also drop off items in the school staffroom when you drop off your kids in the morning.
- Labeling: Please ensure all dishes/trays are clearly labeled with your child’s first and last names and division number so we can return them to you at the end of the school day.
Thank you for helping us show our Ferris staff how much we appreciate them!

Best Regards,

Ferris PAC



6月21日星期五,Ferris PAC將舉辦一次特別的午餐會,以表達我們對辛勤工作的Ferris員工的感謝!我們正在尋找各種各樣的前菜、主菜、甜點、主食和飲品。



Ferris 家委會