Together We Read Initiative
Fri, Feb 28 8:29pm

Dear First Avenue Families,

FAPTSA is reaching out to you in behalf of the Interact Club, and the Arcadia Rotary Club, with a new initiative called Together We Read. 


To share more context regarding the Interact Club, it is one of the three largest community service clubs on Arcadia High School’s campus. This year, the Interact Club has partnered with Arcadia Rotary to assist them in their district-wide book drive to promote free reading opportunities in our community. 


Currently, we are in need of your support to make Together We Read possible, and we would deeply appreciate your participation in the book drive! FAPTSA is involved in the drive to maximize the number of books and eventually the number of people we can impact in our community. 

Here is some detailed information regarding the book drive: 

  1. The Book Drive will run from March 1 – March 20

  2. Donations of new or gently used books will be collected at each school at First Avenue.

  3. Interact Club will:  

  1. Help to coordinate the Together We Read book drive with respective school PTSA liaisons in behalf of Arcadia Rotary

  2. Monitor the number of books being collected in boxes and notify an assigned Arcadia Rotarian when the box is full.  Arcadia Rotarians will collect the book boxes and transport them to Westfield for storage during the book drive.

  1. These books will be transported and freely available in the Westfield Family Lounge.


The Together We Read event, where community visitors can bring children to read provided books, will be held at Westfield on March 28, 11 am – 1 pm is available to all Arcadia residents to attend. 


On behalf of Arcadia Rotary, the top three schools that collect the most books for the book drive will receive the following grants 1st place - $2,500, 2nd place - $1,500, and 3rd place $1,000. They do understand that the middle and high schools in the Arcadia Unified School District have significantly more students, so prizes will be awarded based on the highest amount of books donated in relation to the number of students in their respective schools. 


Please know that our own FA library is in much need of new  furniture.  If FAMS wins any one of the grants, FAPTSA will use those funds to begin replacing the FA library furniture.  

Sincere thanks!
Aileen Truesdale, President
in behalf of FAPTSA
Better Together