Request: Donations for Staff Appreciation Gifts
Deliver to the mailbox at 814 Fox Glen Place (Rancho Paraiso) or 239 Paloma Corte (near Foothill)

Hello Parents!

Our teachers and staff are AMAZING! And we want to let them know how much we appreciate them!

Your PFA needs your help putting together a little gift for all the people who make Foothill so incredible.

Our theme is "We love Foothill and hit the jackpot with teachers & staff like you!"

We are seeking donations of Starbucks gift cards and Lottery Scratchers to put in their Valentine's treats. Please check out the list below and sign up for what you'd like to purchase. You may sign up for one or several items.

Please deliver items to one of the addresses below by Wednesday, February 3.    Our Staff Appreciation team will assemble the gifts and deliver them to the school for Valentine's Day. 

Please drop your donations in the mailbox at either:

814 Fox Glen Place (Rancho Paraiso)-Melanie Kress 

 or 239 Paloma Corte (near Foothill) Jodi Magee

Thank you for helping us celebrate our AMAZING Foothill Team.

If you have any questions please email Melanie Kress:



$5 Starbucks Cards - Please deliver by Wed. February 3 Signed Up: 15 / 65

Sign up

$3 Lottery Scratcher - Please deliver by Wed. February 3 Signed Up: 9 / 65

Sign up

$1 Lottery Scratcher - Please deliver by Wed. February 3 Signed Up: 7 / 130

Sign up

$10 Amazon Gift Card - Please deliver by Wed. February 3 Signed Up: 2 / 2