Spirit Wear is here! Pick up information below...
Wed, Oct 21 11:00am-2:00pm
Foothill Middle School
Our new Spiritwear has arrived and it looks fantastic! If you ordered Spiritwear, there are two ways to pick up your orders: 
AT SCHOOL:  Wednesday, Oct 21 from 11am - 2pm
Pickup will be outside in the quad - please look for designated Entrance/Exit signs, wear a mask, and practice social distancing.
If you would like to pick up prior to or after this pick up window, please pick up at:
3216 Sugarberry Lane, Walnut Creek
M, T, Th, Fr from 8-11am and 1-4pm
All Staff orders were delivered to the Foothill Office on Monday morning (Oct 19).  You may pick up from your boxes at your convenience.
Thank you all for your orders. With your support we raised nearly $1200 for our school during this fundraiser! We hope you all enjoy your Spiritwear!
p.s.  If you didn't order Spiritwear this time, be on the lookout for a second opportunity a little later this year.