FASSV PTA Budget & PTA Donation 2023-24 Results
Wed, Jan 24 9:49pm

Dear Parents,

The PTA Budget 2023/24 has been approved. Many thanks to the 40 parents who participated to the vote.
The parents selected the "Science Lab Equipments for the Upper Campus and STEAM activity sets for the Lower Campus" for the PTA Donation.
Below the answers to the questions we received through the Voting Form:
Q1- I have a few: why do we need a website and Konstella? $400 for two modes of communication, as well as email, newsletter, and WhatsApp seems like a lot. I know that it most of the communication reaches different audiences but it seems a little like double work. The passive fundraising should be promoted more. Amazon smile is a great example. Also make sure that the 401(c)3 info is available as well as trying to outline how to volunteer match. Not everyone is engaged like that with charity. Also talking about volunteer hours and what can be matched. We pay a lot for the school already and the passive income is an easy in to get more funds without spending more money.
A1-Konstella is our primary platform for class communication, announcements, volunteer sign-up, and committee work. 
PTA website is our platform for external communication. The website is used exclusively for public events like the Winter Market and Rummage Sale. It's a tool to promote these events and our partners.
Newsletter is the School internal communication tool, the content is managed by the school. We do have a PTA section, for parents who do not join Konstella.
WhatsApp Groups are a parents initiative , the PTA teams does not share any information or communication through this channel.
Amazon Smile program has been discontinued by Amazon.
Corporate matching and Volunteer matching programs: We are working on a communication, please stay tuned!
Q2-Thank you to the PTA!
A2- You are more than welcome, thank you for taking time and voting!
Q3-Great work ladies! :-)?
A3- Thank you :), and thank you for taking time and voting!
Q4-For the future, is the PTA interested in donating towards staging/choir risers for musical performances, including Kermesse?
A4- This a great idea, THANK YOU, we will bring it to the attention of the School. We work closely with the Head of School to select projects for the PTA donation.
Q5-Consider more e-payment options at events for increased revenue, even with fees.
A5- Card payment method has been proposed for the Winter Market and we do plan to maintain it for the large events. We also keep looking to other methods with limited fees.
The PTA Team