International Week - Dessert Buffet : Friday, April 12th
Fri, Apr 12 8:00am-3:15pm
French American School
5 days before


 Dear FASSV Families,


The international Week is approaching and we are delighted to announce that a delicious dessert buffet is planned for the kids to celebrate this event!

During this International Week, each class will focus on a different region of the world, immersing students in various cultures, traditions, and learning experiences!

To conclude this enriching week full of cultural exploration, the PTA is organizing a dessert buffet on Friday, April 12th.

We warmly invite the community to bring cultural sweet treats, easy snacks or simply your child's favorite dessert.

Let's share and introduce our sweet delights and traditions to other students together.

Note: for all submitted food items, please include the ingredient list and keep in mind that this a NUT-FREE campus.  


Important:  The school’s policy for school celebrations will be strictly enforced.  As indicated in the Parent Handbook:  Students with food allergies may participate in festivities involving food only if accompanied by a parent or designated guardian who will supervise the student’s food intake during the entirety of the event.  The above policy also applies to students with food restrictions due to other medical or personal reasons.

Parents who do not wish for their child to participate in the dessert buffet should inform the school and their child's teachers. The school will respect your personal choice.


Here is how you can help us to make this event fun:

1- Sign up to bring a dessert (Lower and Upper campus).

You can drop off desserts at the office on the day of the event from 8am to 1pm 

2- Volunteer to set up, to serve our kids and their teachers and clean up afterward: Friday, April 12th at 1:15pm to 3:15pm Upper campus

3-Volunteer to set up, to serve our kids and their teachers and clean up afterward: Friday, April 12th at 1:15pm to 2:30pm Lower campus


Please let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you so much for your help and Happy International Week!


The PTA Team



Drop off international dessert or easy snack to go NO NUTS (anything you would like to share) Keep in mind it has to feed at least 20 students Signed Up: 30 / 30

Fri, Apr 12 8:00am-1:00pm

Set up the buffet, serve the children & clean up Signed Up: 6 / 6

Fri, Apr 12 1:15pm-3:15pm

Drop off international dessert or easy snack to go NO NUTS (anything you would like to share) Keep in mind it has to feed at least 20 students Signed Up: 15 / 15

Fri, Apr 12 8:00am-1:00pm

Set up the buffet, serve the children & clean up Signed Up: 3 / 3

Fri, Apr 12 1:15pm-2:30pm