Kermesse 2024

Dear parents,


Following this morning's meeting regarding the Kermesse, we are pleased to announce that the main coordinators for the kermesse's organisation have been determined.

The kermesse will take place on Saturday, June 8th.

We are actively working to make this day a memorable success for our children and our community.

Stay tuned for more information on the upcoming preparations.


Best regards,

PTA team

Positions (8/9 filled)

Decoration Coordinator Signed Up: 1 / 1

Responsible for designing the decoration of the Kermesse, including the PTA booth and the lunch area. Approves the decoration proposed by the room parents for their booth. Handles purchases while adhering to the budget and managing a team for setup and cleanup of all decorations on the day of the event.

Raffle coordinator Signed Up: 1 / 1

Oversees the management of room parents for the creation of raffle baskets. Determines the themes and the value of each basket, seeks donations from professionals to create additional prizes. On the day of the event, ensures the smooth operation of this activity.

Food coordinator Signed Up: 2 / 2

Determines the food considering various needs and the number of people. Also, manages the allocated budget for this part. Handles donations from professionals and volunteers as well. Assesses the need for volunteers and manages them on the day, from setup to cleanup.

Games/Booths Coordinator Signed Up: 1 / 1

Approves the choices made by the room parents for their booths and announces their budget. Organizes the overall layout plan for the game booths, PTA booth, sweet stands, etc. On the day of the event, they manage the setup of the room parents and other booths. Also, ensures that each booth has enough volunteers on the day of the event

Promotional materials Signed Up: 1 / 1

Make flyers, game pass, orders tickets and thanks for the sponsors

Decoration Assistant Signed Up: 1 / 1

Game Booth - RoomParents (PS to 5) Signed Up: 21 / 21

Find a game for the booth representing their class, manage decoration, and recruit volunteers for tasks such as setup, booth operation and cleanup.

FoodStation - RoomParents (6-7) Signed Up: 3 / 3

Help FoodStation and recruit volunteers

Volunteers Signed Up: 5 / 20

Volunteers who are available to help ahead of the kermesse
Sign up