April Art Master Volunteer Request/Solicitud de Voluntarixs de Art Master para abril
Mon, Apr 15 9:25am - Fri, Apr 19 1:05pm
Gates Elementary
1 day before

Art Masters Classroom Volunteers Needed--No art skill necessary!

Art Masters is Gates Elementary's PTA funded art program, which offers lessons to our students in art history, and then puts that knowledge to practical application as they create an art project after a different "Master" each month. Each session we ask for classroom volunteers to support the Art Masters instructor as they teach the lesson and the students create.  No art skill needed. It's loads of fun, and rewarding to see all the art come to life. Please join us!

  • Only ~1 hour commitment to assist Art Masters Academy teacher in a classroom
  • 2-3 volunteers per classroom 
  • See schedule below to choose a time slot for your child's class
  •  If you have the ability to volunteer for another teacher who has open slots, we'd greatly appreciate it
  •  If you are signing up a different family member to volunteer, please add their name to the comment section.

April's artist is Frank Lloyd Wright, the famous architect and artist:

To learn more about this 1-6 grade Gates PTA funded program, visit https://www.gatespta.org/volunteer/art-masters.



Please email artmasters@gatespta.org with any questions.


Se necesitan voluntarixs para las clases de "Art Masters" (lxs Grandes Artistas)... ¡No hace falta tener habilidades artísticas para voluntariar!

Art Masters es el programa de arte financiado por la PTA de Gates Elementary, que ofrece clases de historia del arte a nuestrxs estudiantes, dónde además aplicarán de manera práctica sus nuevos conocimientos para crear un proyecto de arte siguiendo en los pasos de un/a "Gran Artista" diferente cada mes. Para cada sesión, buscamos voluntarixs para apoyar a la instructora de Art Masters durante la lección y mientras lxs estudiantes hacen su propio arte. Es súper divertido, y también gratificante ver cómo cada obra de arte cobra vida. ¡Por favor únase a nosotrxs!
  • El compromiso es solamente de ~1 hora por clase.
  • Necesitamos 2-3 voluntarixs para cada clase.
  • Consulte el horario a continuación para elegir una de las oportunidades de voluntariado para la clase de su estudiante o cualquier otra oportunidad abierta.
  • Si está inscribiendo a un familiar para voluntariar, agregue su nombre en la sección de comentarios.
¡El artista del mes de abril es Frank Lloyd Wright!

Para obtener más información sobre este programa para estudiantes del 1er al 6o grado, financiado por la PTA de Gates de, visite https://www.gatespta.org/volunteer/art-masters.
Contáctenos por email (artmasters@gatespta.org) con cualquier pregunta.


Rosas - Grade 3 - Room P-13 Signed Up: 2 / 2

Mon, Apr 15 9:25am-10:35am

Tedtaotao - Grade 3 - Room 5 Signed Up: 1 / 2

Mon, Apr 15 9:25am-10:35am
Sign up

Rohr - Grade 4 - Room 2 Signed Up: 1 / 1

Mon, Apr 15 10:40am-11:50am

Rodriguez - Grade 4 - Room 3 Signed Up: 1 / 1

Mon, Apr 15 10:40am-11:50am

España - Grade 1 - Room 18 Signed Up: 2 / 3

Mon, Apr 15 11:55am-1:05pm
Sign up

Victoria - Grade 1 - Room 19 Signed Up: 3 / 3

Mon, Apr 15 11:55am-1:05pm

Dumais - Grade 2 - Room 11 Signed Up: 2 / 2

Tue, Apr 16 10:35am-11:45am

Gomez- Grade 2 - Room P-2 Signed Up: 2 / 2

Tue, Apr 16 10:35am-11:45am

Silva - Grade 1 - Room P-4 Signed Up: 1 / 3

Tue, Apr 16 11:55am-1:05pm
Sign up

Mejia Ochoa - Grade 1 - Room 16 Signed Up: 1 / 3

Tue, Apr 16 11:55am-1:05pm
Sign up

Ramirez - Grade 5 - Room P-12 Signed Up: 1 / 1

Tue, Apr 16 1:15pm-2:25pm

Calderon - Grade 5 - Room 12 Signed Up: 0 / 1

Tue, Apr 16 1:15pm-2:25pm
Sign up

DiVito - Grade 1 - Room P-3 Signed Up: 1 / 3

Thu, Apr 18 9:10am-10:20am
Sign up

Perez - Grade 2 - Room P-3 Signed Up: 2 / 2

Thu, Apr 18 9:10am-10:20am

De Luna - Grade 2 - Room 10 Signed Up: 2 / 2

Thu, Apr 18 10:25am-11:35am

Uribe - Grade 2 - Room P-1 Signed Up: 1 / 2

Thu, Apr 18 10:25am-11:35am
Sign up

Huante - Grade 6 - Room P-11 Signed Up: 1 / 1

Thu, Apr 18 11:55am-1:05pm

Hurtado - Grade 6 - Room P-9 Signed Up: 1 / 1

Thu, Apr 18 11:55am-1:05pm

Grande - Grade 5 - Room 14 Signed Up: 0 / 1

Thu, Apr 18 1:15pm-2:25pm
Sign up

Gomez - Grade 5 - Room 13 Signed Up: 1 / 1

Thu, Apr 18 1:15pm-2:25pm

Velez - Grade 4 - Room 1 Signed Up: 1 / 1

Fri, Apr 19 9:25am-10:35am

Ruiz-Perez - Grade 4 - Room 4 Signed Up: 1 / 1

Fri, Apr 19 9:25am-10:35am

Satterwhite - Grade 3 - Room 7 Signed Up: 2 / 2

Fri, Apr 19 10:40am-11:50am

Garcia - Grade 3 - Room 8 Signed Up: 2 / 2

Fri, Apr 19 10:40am-11:50am

Flores - Grade 6 - Room P-14 Signed Up: 1 / 1

Fri, Apr 19 11:55am-1:05pm

Fung - Grade 6 - Room P-10 Signed Up: 1 / 1

Fri, Apr 19 11:55am-1:05pm