01_Literacy Committee

Help with library maintenance and events such as The Book Swap and Dress Up as Your Favorite Literary Character Day.

Positions (0/4 filled)

Committee Chair Signed Up: 0 / 2

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Leveled Book Room Manager Signed Up: 1 / 3

Maintain and develop systems to keep Leveled Book Room organized and well-supplied to support guided reading instruction and book clubs in every classroom.  This is an integral support for all of our teachers at all grade levels, that is in great need of a dedicated caretaker!
Hours:  Very flexible.  Could be supported by a few intensive times of year, or more regular brief work throughout the year - your choice!
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Active Volunteer Signed Up: 1 / 25

I have helped or plan to help this committee with its activities.

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Interested Volunteer Signed Up: 13 / 50

I am interested in volunteering with this committee and would like to receive emails from time to time about its activities.

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